Aidan Morrow

BFA Photography with a minor in Graphic Design


ARTIST STATEMENT: “Perspective” is an expression on the duality of an artist’s mind. It explores both the struggles and triumphs that I’ve gone through while maturing as a creative individual. Using two digitally illustrated portraits, my intention is to achieve a feeling of both wonder and unease. These two images contain a small amount of the other’s essence. They represent the struggles some face underneath the happiness they show, and the drive to fight against those struggles when they feel overwhelmed. Both of these images are filled using randomly inspired doodles which symbolize the memories and experiences that formed me into the person I am today.

 The happier illustration depicts my achievements and progress as an artist. It showcases the joy, pride, and strength that it took to get where I am today. The skeletal side depicts the hardships that I went through along my journey. It describes my struggle with mental health, imposter syndrome, developing my style, and the many complexities of life. 

 I want my work to resonate with the observer. My intention is that people will look at this work and see a bit of themselves within it. That they would resonate with the pride and struggle of not only art, but life itself. My work aims to speak to life’s struggles, and the victory felt when overcoming adversity.

Perspective, Digital Painting / Print, 24”x24”

Perspective, Digital Painting / Print, 24”x24”

Perspective, Digital Painting / Print, 24”x24” each